Knockmore Primary School

 Welcome to Primary three

In primary three our teacher is called Miss Roy. Our classroom assistants are called Miss Campbell and Miss Lavery.

Here in P3 we love to learn, work together and develop new skills. 

Outdoor learning: we made a human clock and developed our time skills in pairs
Outdoor learning: we made a human clock and developed our time skills in pairs
The team leaders showing some great sorting of measure! Everyone works in teams BRILLIANTLY
The team leaders showing some great sorting of measure! Everyone works in teams BRILLIANTLY
Welcome to Knockmore Doctors Surgery… P3 are loving their new topic of Mighty Me learning all about staying healthy, brushing our teeth and getting good sleep..
Welcome to Knockmore Doctors Surgery… P3 are loving their new topic of Mighty Me learning all about staying healthy, brushing our teeth and getting good sleep..

P3 enjoyed their visit from the firemen!
P3 enjoyed their visit from the firemen!
A well earned treat!! P3 took some time today to make some chocolate buns for reaching their goal in the class reward system. Well done P3!!
A well earned treat!! P3 took some time today to make some chocolate buns for reaching their goal in the class reward system. Well done P3!!
Celebrating achievements as these pupils have made amazing progress in reading!
Celebrating achievements as these pupils have made amazing progress in reading!
Money Money Money is our numeracy topic at the minute and what better way to practice our money skills than with our very own shop.
Money Money Money is our numeracy topic at the minute and what better way to practice our money skills than with our very own shop.
Time to show and tell our fabulous paired work on finding the area!
Time to show and tell our fabulous paired work on finding the area!

P3 wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to all from P3!
Merry Christmas to all from P3!
An exciting visit from Santa this morning.
An exciting visit from Santa this morning.

Santa Claus is coming to… KNOCKMORE!!
Congratulations to our brilliant colouring competition winner!
Congratulations to our brilliant colouring competition winner!
Sensory Snow was delivered to P3 this morning… THANK YOU SO MUCH MRS WILLIAMS!!
Sensory Snow was delivered to P3 this morning… THANK YOU SO MUCH MRS WILLIAMS!!
During numeracy lessons this week we discussed and organised our favourite Christmas presents into a pictograms.
During numeracy lessons this week we discussed and organised our favourite Christmas presents into a pictograms.
What an exciting day… we wrote our letters to Santa! P3 really hope he writes back.
What an exciting day… we wrote our letters to Santa! P3 really hope he writes back.
P3 always enjoy Activity Based Learning time.
P3 always enjoy Activity Based Learning time.
As our topic is celebrations we took a deeper look at Christmas around the world!
As our topic is celebrations we took a deeper look at Christmas around the world!
A very exciting visitor this morning… Elvis the Elf is here for the festive season in P3!
A very exciting visitor this morning… Elvis the Elf is here for the festive season in P3!
Friday 1st December… that means day one of our advent calendar!!
Friday 1st December… that means day one of our advent calendar!!
On Thursday we had some very exciting visitors come to our room to teach us all about recycling and taking care of  the planet. Thank you to the ladies from “Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful” we had a great day!!
On Thursday we had some very exciting visitors come to our room to teach us all about recycling and taking care of the planet. Thank you to the ladies from “Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful” we had a great day!!
P3 love getting outside for PE!
P3 love getting outside for PE!
Proud of our achievements
Proud of our achievements
We made some dragon masks to continue the celebrations of Chinese New Year!
We made some dragon masks to continue the celebrations of Chinese New Year!

We wrote our names in Chinese as part of our topic of celebrations. The celebration we learnt about this week was Chinese New Year, 

In Literacy we are learning about instructional writing. We wrote a set of instructions for Rice Krispie Buns then of course we made some yummy buns after!!
In Literacy we are learning about instructional writing. We wrote a set of instructions for Rice Krispie Buns then of course we made some yummy buns after!!
Our Class Board.
Our Class Board.
Have a look at our P3 Shape Pizza Parlour
Have a look at our P3 Shape Pizza Parlour
Happy Halloween to all, from P3!l
Happy Halloween to all, from P3!l
We always have great fun in PE!
We always have great fun in PE!
Practicing movement with some very fun listening games.
Practicing movement with some very fun listening games.
Our topic this term is School is Cool. Let’s take a tour of the school!!
Our topic this term is School is Cool. Let’s take a tour of the school!!
Practicing our reading skills.
Practicing our reading skills.
PE lessons are the best!
PE lessons are the best!

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600