Knockmore Primary School


Safeguarding Team

The pupils are the foundation of Knockmore, and their protection is paramount.

We aim to provide everyone within our school community the opportunity to work and learn in a safe, happy, secure and caring environment.

The Designated Teacher for 'Safe Guarding' is Mr W Smyth
The Designated Teacher for 'Safe Guarding' is Mr W Smyth
The Deputy Designated Teacher for Mainstream Classes for 'Safeguarding' is Mrs Amanda Burrows
The Deputy Designated Teacher for Mainstream Classes for 'Safeguarding' is Mrs Amanda Burrows
The Deputy Designated Teacher for Unit Classes for 'Safeguarding' is Mrs Aveen Armstrong
The Deputy Designated Teacher for Unit Classes for 'Safeguarding' is Mrs Aveen Armstrong

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600