Knockmore Primary School

Let's celebrate


Check out the super spellers in Mr. Deery’s Class!

Celebrating great work and effort in P2 during Assembly today

Primary 1 are enjoying their play sessions.

Mr Deery’s Class, proudly displaying their Computer Science certificates.

Celebrating great work and effort in P3 during Assembly today.

Celebrating whole school achievement.

Ms Hardwick presented the new Eco and School Council members with their badges.

Celebrating fantastic Shape Poetry during Assembly today.

Congratulations to our students who recently participated in the Island of Ireland Rocks competition!

Super symmetry work in primary 5.

Celebrating Outstanding Attendance in Foundation and Key Stage 1! 

Recognising and celebrating the hard work and success in Mrs. Armstrong's class.

Year 4 students celebrated their achievements in Lexia.

Celebrating super reading and spelling in the Sunflower Room!

Celebrating Accelerated Reader Targets Being Met In Year 5!

We are incredibly proud of the amazing pyramids created at our recent Eco Recycling Workshop!

 Celebrating Our Collective Success.

Recognising and celebrating the hard work and success in Mrs. Morrison's class.

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600