Knockmore Primary School


My name is Mrs Armstrong..  Our assistants are Mrs Elkin and Mrs McNeilly. We are very much looking forward to the year ahead with our class.  We hope this page provides a ‘window’ into life in our classroom as we progress through our learning journey together.  We hope to develop new skills, independence, curiosity and a love of learning and that we will have lots of fun along the way! 

We learn so many things through our play. It’s how we learn about the world, how we problem solve, manage information, learn to work with others, develop our language skills, be creative and express ourselves.

Improving our fine motor skills through painting.

We listened to a story and then sequenced the pictures to retell it.  We used the Interactive whiteboard.  It was fun! Check out our photos below.

In Numeracy we have been learning about 2d shapes.

We made circle prints using cups and paint!

We are learning to listen and take turns using our Listening Ears!

We went on a listening walk. We heard children playing, cars, a van, the wind rustling the leaves and a door banging.

Knowledge of nursery rhymes help us develop language and number skills and rhythm and rhyme.

Outdoor play. Fun in the September sun ☀️☀️☀️

We built a wall for Humpty to sit on. It had to be tall and we had to make sure he could sit carefully and not fall off! We discovered a large flat surface at the top was the best type of wall for Humpty.

We practise our writing skills every day.

So many of our play activities help our language development and our fine motor skills. We also develop important life skills like tidying up!

We love our visits to the school library

Learning through play in our Home Corner.

Suited and booted and ready for some Outdoor learning.

Sammy snake says sssssssssssss

We have been learning to listen to the first sound in a word and then sorting objects and pictures according to a given sound. We found all the ‘S’ words in a game on the whiteboard using our listening ears.

We have been investigating how we are similar and different. We compared our eye and hair colours and made a pictogram to show what we found. Blue eyes and blonde hair are the most popular in our class.

Did you know that hedgehogs sleep for a long time during the Winter? This is called hibernation.

Tidying up is an important part of our play. We love to help our teacher and assistants.

Do you recognise anyone in this town? We used the camera to take our pictures  and sized them down to fit in the windows of the buildings on the Just 2 easy program.

We have been learning about how we grown and changed. We looked at photographs of each of us babies and toddlers. We talked about what we could do then and now and how we have changed in the way we look and the things we can do.

Reward time with Caroline our Speech and language therapist after we have listened well in speech group!

We know how to share, play and work together.

Autumn has arrived! The colours of the leaves are so pretty.  We had lots of fun jumping in the leaves and throwing them!

Happy Halloween

We had a Spooktacular time at the school disco! Dressing up was great fun!

We have been learning how to Code in ICT. Aren’t we very clever!

News writing on a Monday morning. We love to share what we’ve been up to with our friends and to draw and write about it in our workbooks.

Enter text...

Practicing writing our numbers with chalk in the playground.

We have been working really hard in Numeracy. We can sequence numbers correctly from left to right , match them to the correct numicon piece and build a tower of cubes to match!

Our new topic is Night and Day. We are learning about daily routines we compete at home at different times of the day. Getting the babies ready for bedtime with supper and then a bath is a favourite! 

We have been learning how write our letters correctly. Aren’t we doing really  well!

We can sequence and write numbers to 5.  We’ve had lots of practical fun learning about numbers and sets.  We even know about the number that comes ‘after’!

Jingles, our class elf, decorated our Christmas tree with Numicon pieces last night! It made us laugh!

There were lots of elves to help decorate our class Christmas tree today.  

We had great fun practising our sounds, HFWs and numbers during outdoor learning today!

Our new topic this term is People Who Help Us.  We have been finding out lots about the work of the Doctor and nurse in the hospital.  

Dressing up as fire fighters, building fire stations, playing with the fire station and using the small fire extinguisher.  We consolidate what we learn through our play with one another.

Can you guess what we are making?...

The firemen came to school today!! Thank you Pete and Garth for telling us all about your job and for letting us use the hose!

We have been exploring the movement of water in play.We also tried to build a really tall tower. We came up with a strong design like a Jenga tower!

     Number Day 7th February 2025.

We made number hats and went on a number hunt in school today.  The car park was full of numbers and we each found one to match our number hat!

We can write simple sentences all by ourselves!

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