Knockmore Primary School

Welcome to Mrs Rodgers' Class

We are a class of 12 clever boys and girls who love to have fun while we learn. We have two wonderful classroom assistants called Mrs Clarke and Mrs Morrow. 

Term 1:1

This half term our W.A.U. topic is 'Dem Bones'. We have been learning all about the bones in the human body, the five senses and teeth. In Numeracy, we have been working on Place Value, 2D and 3D shapes. In Literacy, we have been reading the book 'Funnybones'. We have also been reading and writing Shape Poems. 

We really enjoyed the Treasure Hunt organised by School Council for Fairtrade Fortnight. Thank you!

We can sort 2D shapes using a Venn Diagram:

We counted in 10s using our handprints!

We learned about the sense of Hearing. We enjoyed playing Hearing Bingo!

We know that a noun is a person, place or thing. We went on a Noun Hunt in the classroom.

We can count in 10s!

We can sort shapes using a Carroll Diagram.

We explored 3D shapes by building models and making nets out of Clixi.

We went on a 3D shape hunt in the classroom!

We made symmetrical patterns for our friends to copy. 

We played ‘Where on the Line?’ to practise our estimation skills. 

We tested our sense of sight in a coin drop experiment.

We made buns on DLD day! Yum!

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