Knockmore Primary School


In our class we have lots of amazing classroom assistants to help us:

Mrs Cushnie, Mrs McCord, Miss Mercer, Mrs Hull, Miss Ervine, Mrs Cruden and Miss McMullan

During our shared reading session, we were learning all about the internet. Noah in our new books thinks he has 'broken the internet' and we were investigating whether this was possible!



In our Northern Ireland topic, we have been locating the six counties and the main cities!





Our school value this month is respect. We have been creating our own acrostic poems about what respect means to us in P7.



In Numeracy, we have been doing lots of work on place value with numbers up to a million and beyond!




During assembly, we discussed our value for September 'RESPECT' and celebrated a member of our classes success with her football team outside of school! 





P7 were very lucky to have the Environmental Education Team into school to complete a workshop all about Fast Fashion and the impact that this has on the environment!  



In our PE lessons, we have been working on sportsmanship and working as part of a team.




We have been investigating negative numbers and have been applying what we have learned to word problems. We were exploring them in relation to sea level and temperature.




We celebrated DLD Day (Developmental Language Disorder). We decorated cupcakes and flags and learned all about DLD.

As part of our Halloween celebrations, we designed and painted pumpkins! The winner received a prize!!




P7 were lucky enough to take part in the 'Lisburn and Castlereagh's Twilight Night'. We had lantern workshop in school and then we took part in the parade through Wallace Park.

HALLOWEEN DISCO!!!! We had so much fun! Happy Half Term!!



We have started our new book all about Florence Nightingale. This links to our new topic in WAU which is The Victorians. 

We had a special assembly, all about Remembrance Sunday. Our school council then talked all about Anti-Bullying Week 2024 and Odd Sock Day. We talked about what makes us all unique!!

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600