30.7.20 - Information update for school reopening in August 202030 July 2020 (by admin) |
30.7.20 - The office has now sent information via email/post/Dojo/text as appropriate to parents regarding 'Bubble' classes in Years 3-6, Unit pupils and new Year 1 pupils. Due to the volume of work involved, this has had to be done in stages and we appreciate your patience. If an email is sent to a group, it does not list all email addresses. Please continue to monitor the 'latest news' page and your child's 'class' page on the website for any further information.
If you have not received this information by Friday 7th August, please contact the school by email. Please do not send messages by Dojo or leave telephone messages - the school is currently closed and teachers are not available to answer queries.
Please see below the previous message which includes important information regarding school meals.
Thank you again for your understanding at this time.
‘Bubble’ classes:
Following the ‘Draft plan for returning in August’, parents of children in mainstream classes Years 3 - 6 will be notified, by email or post, by Friday 31st July of ‘bubble’ arrangements and on which day their child begins the new term.
All pupils in Year 2 and Year 7 and pupils in units should attend Monday – Friday, commencing Monday 24th August. Year 1 pupils will shortly receive information regarding their starting date and their regular pattern will be Monday – Friday.
If your child is in Years 3 – 6 mainstream and you have not received information by 31st July, please email the school at info@knockmoreps.lisburn.ni.sch.uk. Please do not telephone school as office staff may not be available and messages may not be picked up for some time. Similarly, please do not post a question on Facebook - Facebook is primarily for information purposes and class information will not be shared on that forum. The email address is regularly monitored.
School Meals
School meals will be available from Monday 24th August. This will consist of a packed lunch – hot meals are not available. TO REDUCE RISK IN HANDLING CASH, LUNCHES FOR EACH WEEK MUST BE ORDERED AND PAID FOR ON THE MONDAY – STAFF WILL ONLY ACCEPT CASH ON A MONDAY. Please put the cash in an envelope marked with your child’s name, class, days they require lunch and amount enclosed. Money WILL NOT be accepted Tuesday – Friday: if you have not booked a lunch, you must provide a packed lunch for your child. Meals for week commencing 24th August MUST be ordered and paid for on Monday 24th August.
Free School Meals
Free school meals do not commence until Tuesday 1st September. If your child is eligible for free school meals and you wish them to have a school packed lunch between 24th and 28th August, this needs to be ordered and paid for on Monday 24th August. When free school meals commence on Tuesday 1st September, as with paying pupils, meals need to be booked on the Monday for that week.
Please remember, we can only provide free school meals to those children whose names have been confirmed by the Education Authority. If your child received a free school meal last year, please ensure you have returned your application to the Education Authority for 20/21 – entitlement does not carry over to the next year. If your child is newly entitled to a free school meal and you have not already applied, please apply immediately via the EA website, www.eani.org.uk. CHILDREN CANNOT RECEIVE A FREE SCHOOL MEAL UNTIL THEIR ENTITLEMENT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED TO THE SCHOOL BY THE EDUCATION AUTHORITY.
Healthy Break and School Milk
‘Healthy Break’ and ‘School Milk’ are not available until further notice.
If you have any query, please contact school using the email address info@knockmoreps.lisburn.ni.sch.uk. As stated above, do not leave messages on the telephone answering machine or post questions on Facebook.
We appreciate your help in making school a safe place for both pupils and staff.
A Hardwick
Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA
Tel:02892 662600